Street price

Street price - RUN Winschoten

Which street is most beautifully decorated during the RUN?

The RUN is not only a great spectacle for the athletes and spectators, but also for the residents of the streets through which the course passes. They are busy giving the streets a festive look, it shows their commitment to the RUN, which is partly why the athletes (national and international) enjoy coming to Winschoten so much, it gives them the feeling of a warm welcome.

Call to the residents of all streets of the RUN parcours
The organization of the RUN calls on residents again this year to decorate their streets as beautifully as possible for the RUN party on the second Saturday in September in Winschoten. A point of attention are the safety requirements (fire hazard and decorations not hanging too low, minimum clearance of 4.5 meters) that must be met. The most beautifully decorated street will be assessed by a jury. The street prize - a voucher of € 200.00 - will be awarded to the residents of the most beautifully decorated street during the RUN.

NEW !! MARATHON RUN IN 2025 - RUN Winschoten


11 February 2025 - The Marathon will be included in the RUN this year, due to the many requests for this distance. As an organization, we have looked into whether we can fit it in and it is possible. The start time... read more »

the 500 of Oldambt - 2024 Relay teams - RUN Winschoten

the 500 of Oldambt - 2024 Relay teams

25 September 2024 - 2024, the year in which the 500 of Oldambt is introduced for all relay teams of the RUN! The time of all relay runners over the last 500 meters of the RUN course is recorded and if you add up all the... read more »

Partners of the RUN
  • Av Aquilo Winschoten RUN Winschoten
  • Atletiek Unie  RUN Winschoten
  • Gemeente Oldambt Winschoten RUN Winschoten
  • IAAF Athletics  RUN Winschoten